Ilmu Allah untuk dikongsi. Kadang-kadang kita tidak sedar betapa biadapnya kita berhadapan dengan seorang guru. Selaku penagih ilmu amat wajar kita teliti artikel ustaz zaharuddin. ilmu ntah ke mana, hidup tak berkat...boleh klik link di bawah
kurang adab dan berkat
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Islam itu adalah adalah penyerahan diri dan tunduk kepada segala perintah yang Maha Kuasa dan meninggalkan segala larangannya. Setiap yang wujud di alam ini adalah Islam secara fitrahnya. Islam adalah fitrah setiap kejadian. Hatta, orang yang ingkar (kafir) kepada Tuhannya adalah Islam. Bumi ini berputar mengikut arahan Pemiliknya, siang dan malam juga bertukar mengikut fitrah kejadiannya. Jadi bagaimana kita yang dikurniakan aqal dan petunjuk wahyu boleh tersasar dari fitrah kejadian. Pelik dan ajaib.
DNA yang menyimpan segala maklumat kejadian seorang insan juga bekerja mengikut fitrah. Tidak mungkin pembahagian sel dalam badan kita berlaku tanpa arahan dan panduan daripada DNA bahananya kanser menanti. Perlu diketahui DNA juga bertindak mengikut arahan Penciptanya berdasarkan sebab dan akibat yang membolehkan sesuatu pembahagian sel tadi berlaku. Inilah Islam yang memacu setiap kejadian sains. Dalam sains tiada yang kebetulan melainkan semuanya bertindak mengikut fitrah dan saintis perlu mencari formula di sebalik fitrah yang dicipta oleh Pencipta. Fitrah satu molekul hidrogen bergabung dengan dua molekul oksigen akan membentuk air. Sifat api adalah membakar.
Wajib diketahui tidak semua yang yang panas membakar itu akan bersifat membakar selamanya. Api yang panas itu tidak bisa membakar nabi Allah Ibrahim alaihissalam. Api adalah muslim yang mengikut perintah Tuhannya walaupun bercanggah dengan sains tabi’e. Sudah tentu logik sains gila memikirkannya. Di sinilah kehebatan dan kekuasaan Allah yang dipertontonkan kepada kita bahawa segala yang wujud bertindak mengikut arahan Penciptanya dan ternyata makhluk ciptaanNYA amat lemah. Perjalanan logik tidak mampu menjawabnya melainkan penyerahan diri dan keyakinan yang benar-benar mantap dan kukuh kepada yang Maha Agung, Pemilik Kerajaan Langit dan Bumi. Inilah Islam.
Sains adalah Islam dan Islam bukanlah semata-mata sains tetapi mencakupi segala aspek kehidupan ini. Pencarian itu boleh dikaji daripada pelbagai sudut kehidupan sama ada sains, metafizik, sejarah, perundangan, politik, ekonomi, budaya dan hatta seni sekalipun. Hanya Islam yang mempunyai formula untuk kebahagian kita di dunia dan akhirat. Yakin dan percaya.
Teringat kepada kata-kata Sayyid Jamal al-Din al-Afghani yang dipetik daripada blog Ustaz Hasrizal yang menjawab permintaan ‘khalifah terakhir umat Islam’, Sultan Othmaniyyah iaitu Sultan Abdul Hamid II (1876 - 1909) agar sebuah rombongan deligasi dibentuk dari kalangan ilmuan Madrasah Istanbul untuk dihantar ke Jepun.
“Tuanku, ilmuan-ilmuan yang dicadangkan itu telah menjauhkan Muslim dari Islam, bagaimanakah mereka boleh dipertanggungjawabkan untuk mengajak masyarakat Jepun kepada agama kita? Saya berpendapat, adalah penting untuk kita mengkaderkan golongan bijak pandai, memberikan mereka pendidikan khas untuk melayakkan diri mereka memikul tugas ini mengikut keadaan semasa”, tegas Sayyid Jamal al-Din al-Afghani.
Sebesar-besar pemahaman kita adalah meletakkan Islam berada di puncak pemerintahan bukan yang diperintah. Prinsip waq’iyyah Islam menentukan halatuju perjalanan dakwah kita dan sudah tentulah berdasarkan fiqhul waqi’ iaitu memahami keadaan, situasi atau kondisi semasa dalam kelompok atau persekitaran disekitarnya, samada masyarakat mahupun individu.
Bukankah kita selalu mendengar KalamNya dari surah Al Baqarah ayat 30 yang bermaksud: Ingatlah ketika Tuhanmu berfirman kepada para Malaikat: "Sesungguhnya Aku hendak menjadikan seorang khalifah di muka bumi." Mereka berkata: "Mengapa Engkau hendak menjadikan (khalifah) di bumi itu orang yang akan membuat kerosakan padanya dan menumpahkan darah, padahal kami sentiasa bertasbih dengan memuji Engkau dan mensucikan Engkau?" Tuhan berfirman: "Sesungguhnya Aku mengetahui apa yang tidak kamu ketahui."
Bukan calang-calang penciptaan kita ini selaku wakil Allah (khalifah) di muka bumi untuk menjalankan dasar dan perlembagaan Allah. Kita hanyalah badan eksekutif di bumi ini yang hanya bertindak mengikut kertas kerja yang dirangka tadi. Inilah fitrah kejadian manusia. Kembali kepada asas sebagai seorang hamba yang Islam yang mengikut fitrah penciptaannya iaitu yang tunduk dan patuh kepada pemilik sekalian alam. Islam itu sangat hebat, maka kuatkan dan perkasakanlah diri dengan Islam juga. Inilah formula yang perlu kita hadam. PERKASAKAN DIRI MARTABATKAN ISLAM.
DNA yang menyimpan segala maklumat kejadian seorang insan juga bekerja mengikut fitrah. Tidak mungkin pembahagian sel dalam badan kita berlaku tanpa arahan dan panduan daripada DNA bahananya kanser menanti. Perlu diketahui DNA juga bertindak mengikut arahan Penciptanya berdasarkan sebab dan akibat yang membolehkan sesuatu pembahagian sel tadi berlaku. Inilah Islam yang memacu setiap kejadian sains. Dalam sains tiada yang kebetulan melainkan semuanya bertindak mengikut fitrah dan saintis perlu mencari formula di sebalik fitrah yang dicipta oleh Pencipta. Fitrah satu molekul hidrogen bergabung dengan dua molekul oksigen akan membentuk air. Sifat api adalah membakar.
Wajib diketahui tidak semua yang yang panas membakar itu akan bersifat membakar selamanya. Api yang panas itu tidak bisa membakar nabi Allah Ibrahim alaihissalam. Api adalah muslim yang mengikut perintah Tuhannya walaupun bercanggah dengan sains tabi’e. Sudah tentu logik sains gila memikirkannya. Di sinilah kehebatan dan kekuasaan Allah yang dipertontonkan kepada kita bahawa segala yang wujud bertindak mengikut arahan Penciptanya dan ternyata makhluk ciptaanNYA amat lemah. Perjalanan logik tidak mampu menjawabnya melainkan penyerahan diri dan keyakinan yang benar-benar mantap dan kukuh kepada yang Maha Agung, Pemilik Kerajaan Langit dan Bumi. Inilah Islam.
Sains adalah Islam dan Islam bukanlah semata-mata sains tetapi mencakupi segala aspek kehidupan ini. Pencarian itu boleh dikaji daripada pelbagai sudut kehidupan sama ada sains, metafizik, sejarah, perundangan, politik, ekonomi, budaya dan hatta seni sekalipun. Hanya Islam yang mempunyai formula untuk kebahagian kita di dunia dan akhirat. Yakin dan percaya.
Teringat kepada kata-kata Sayyid Jamal al-Din al-Afghani yang dipetik daripada blog Ustaz Hasrizal yang menjawab permintaan ‘khalifah terakhir umat Islam’, Sultan Othmaniyyah iaitu Sultan Abdul Hamid II (1876 - 1909) agar sebuah rombongan deligasi dibentuk dari kalangan ilmuan Madrasah Istanbul untuk dihantar ke Jepun.
“Tuanku, ilmuan-ilmuan yang dicadangkan itu telah menjauhkan Muslim dari Islam, bagaimanakah mereka boleh dipertanggungjawabkan untuk mengajak masyarakat Jepun kepada agama kita? Saya berpendapat, adalah penting untuk kita mengkaderkan golongan bijak pandai, memberikan mereka pendidikan khas untuk melayakkan diri mereka memikul tugas ini mengikut keadaan semasa”, tegas Sayyid Jamal al-Din al-Afghani.
Sebesar-besar pemahaman kita adalah meletakkan Islam berada di puncak pemerintahan bukan yang diperintah. Prinsip waq’iyyah Islam menentukan halatuju perjalanan dakwah kita dan sudah tentulah berdasarkan fiqhul waqi’ iaitu memahami keadaan, situasi atau kondisi semasa dalam kelompok atau persekitaran disekitarnya, samada masyarakat mahupun individu.
Bukankah kita selalu mendengar KalamNya dari surah Al Baqarah ayat 30 yang bermaksud: Ingatlah ketika Tuhanmu berfirman kepada para Malaikat: "Sesungguhnya Aku hendak menjadikan seorang khalifah di muka bumi." Mereka berkata: "Mengapa Engkau hendak menjadikan (khalifah) di bumi itu orang yang akan membuat kerosakan padanya dan menumpahkan darah, padahal kami sentiasa bertasbih dengan memuji Engkau dan mensucikan Engkau?" Tuhan berfirman: "Sesungguhnya Aku mengetahui apa yang tidak kamu ketahui."
Bukan calang-calang penciptaan kita ini selaku wakil Allah (khalifah) di muka bumi untuk menjalankan dasar dan perlembagaan Allah. Kita hanyalah badan eksekutif di bumi ini yang hanya bertindak mengikut kertas kerja yang dirangka tadi. Inilah fitrah kejadian manusia. Kembali kepada asas sebagai seorang hamba yang Islam yang mengikut fitrah penciptaannya iaitu yang tunduk dan patuh kepada pemilik sekalian alam. Islam itu sangat hebat, maka kuatkan dan perkasakanlah diri dengan Islam juga. Inilah formula yang perlu kita hadam. PERKASAKAN DIRI MARTABATKAN ISLAM.
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Apakah motivasi yang paling berkesan dalam hidup ini? PASti kebanyakan daripada kita akan menjawab CINTA. Kalaulah betul, apakah bentuk cinta yang dapat memotivasikan kita. Adakah cinta biasa daripada seorang insan yang lemahnya selemah kita juga. Apakah keperluan sebenar jiwa kita sampaikan kita mendamba cinta hanya daripada insan jua. Aku teringat kepada kata-kata hikmah seorang pujangga:
Whatever is to make us better and happy, God has placed either openly before us or close to us
Tidak dapat tidak, (la budda) kita mesti kembali kepada pengisian jiwa seorang hamba. Imam Al-Ghazali mentamsilkan manusia ini seperti penunggang dan kudanya. Apabila keduanya dipacu ke arah yang sama maka tenteramlah pemilik kuda itu. Wajib diketahui keduanya mempunyai keinginan yang berbeza. Sifat kuda yang ingin kebebasan, makan rumput dan mungkin kadang-kadang melawan perintah tuannya sedangkan penunggangnya mempunyai misi dan arah tuju yang lebih besar dari itu.
Begitulah juga kita (jiwa)berperang dengan tubuh (jasad) untuk menguasai dan membentuk kerajaan dalam badan kita. Jika jiwa mut’mainnah yang menang maka selamatlah kedua-duanya. Andai kata nafsu jahat yang menang sudah pasti kerajaannya penuh dengan penyelewangan dan maksiat kepada pemilik sebesar-sebesar kerajaan.(kerajaan maNO la kat Malaysia ni?)
Perumpamaan semudah ini rasanya sudah cukup menyedarkan kita bahawa mendirikan kerajaan yang baik adalah wajib di alam realiti mahu pun alam malakut atau bahasa paling mudah dalam diri setiap insan. Sesungguhnya bahasa Al-Quran itu penuh dengan perumpaan yang menakjubkan dan kadang-kadang terlepas pandang oleh kita walaupun benda-benda sekecil nyamuk. Rujuk surah Al-Baqarah ayat 26. Jangan malas berfikir jika ingin selamat di akhirat kerana Islam agama membaca dan berfikir. Al-Quran dimulakan dengan “Iqra’.
Begitulah peri pentingnya kita mengembalikan semula Islam berada di puncak pemerintahan.Hanya Islam yang mempunyai formula kehidupan yang lengkap untuk kebahagian di dunia dan akhirat. Perhatikan dulu bait dbawah sebelum kita melangkah jauh:
Tegakkanlah Negara Islam di dalam diri kamu
nescaya ia akan tertegak di atas tanahair kamu.

Adakah negara Islam sudah tertegak dalam jiwa kita? Jiwa yang mentaati sepenuhnya fitrah penciptaan. Bagaimana kita mahu membentuk kerajaan jika diri sendiri pun kita belum kenal? Berikut adalah petikan tulisan al-Ghazali berkaitan mengenal diri yang diambil daripada kitab Munqidz Min Al-Dhalal: sekiranya engkau berkata, saya mengetahui diri saya, jika sekiranya engkau ketahui hanyalah tubuh bahagian luar yang meliputi tangan, kaki, kepala dan bentuk luar lainnya tanpa tahu apa yang ada dalam batinmu. Contohnya, apabila engkau marah akan menimbulkan permusuhan, apabila engkau syahwat akan menuntut pernikahan, apabila engkau lapar akan menuntut makanan, apabila haus akan mencari minuman. Sekiranya demikian halnya, BINATANG pun sama denganmu.
Alangkah malunya.
Pengetahuan diri yang sebenarnya meliputi persoalan: siapakah engkau? Dari mana engkau hidup dan akan ke mana? Untuk apa diciptakan? Rujuk surah Al Isra’ ayat 84. Apa yang menyebabkan kebahagiaan ataupun kedukaan? Langkah pertama menuju pengetahuan mengenai diri adalah menyedari diri terdiri dari dua bahagian: pertama jasad dan kedua adalah nafs atau jiwa.
Ya Allah, matikanlah kami dalam perjuangan untuk menegakkan agama-Mu. Islam itu sangat hebat Ya Allah tidak mampu kami memikulnya. Maka kuatkan kami Ya Allah. Tulislah di luh mahfuz Mu Ya Allah bahawa mati kami adalah mati syahid. Amin.
Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take hold of it with the handle of anxiety or the handle of faith.

Friday, November 7, 2008
We, human are made from the same flesh and blood (milk) and take the shape of the genetic (mini cups) given by our Lord. The only thing that makes us different from one another is our personality (flavour) and external appearance (colour).
See the similarity? Amazing, eh? subhanALLAH....
Miguel Cerbantes had something amused once: It takes all sorts to make a world
Totally! I am a sort, and so are you. And so are they, them, us and we. And only by being different from one another, we are able to have an interesting world filled with all types of sort, right? In fact, Allah our Lord has told us this:
“O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other. (Not that ye may despise each other).”(Al-Hujurat 49:13)
subhanALLAH...When I read this verse, I couldn’t help but feel that Allah has given us all one simple but important task, a task that I personally felt that I must put more effort into. He, our Lord, has said despite us being different from one another, there is one thing that we should do-it is to get know one another or in other words to NETWORK.
Yup. Absolutely! Isn’t getting to know one another a means to create NETWORK between us? Seems that NETWORKING is not something new, eh? And to throw in more fun while we NETWORK, the Almighty has also made us linguistically different from one another.
“and among His Sign in the creation of heavens and the earth, and the variation in your languages and your colours: verify in that are Signs for those who know”
(Al-Rum 30:22)
The classic business case study when Coca-Cola pronounced as “Kekoukela” which means “Bite the wax tadpole” when it first entered China! It was only after researchers went through about 40 000 Chinese characters to find a phonetic equivalent, they found “kokou kole” which carries the meaning “happiness in the mouth”.
Phew! Aren’t they glad that their customers have no need to bite the tadpoles? I could just imagine the Happy Feet of those researchers when they finally got it right! M. Scott Peck once said something that made so much sense:
Share our similarities, celebrate our differences
I totally agree with him! Wouldn’t it be great if we could enjoy how different others are from us? Wouldn’t it be fantastic if we could see that by being different and unique, each and every one of us is so special? Absolutely, are you agree? I sometimes wonder if we truly understand how important it is for us to be special and different from one another. Then, I remembered the Aesop fable of the tiger and the mouse. Maybe this parable could help us, yes?
Well, it was said that one day, a mouse had accidentally run over the face of the tiger while the tiger was sleeping. Of course, that woke him up and he became angry. But the mouse pleaded that the tiger forgive him and promised to repay the tiger’s kindness one day. The tiger, being a proud animal (typical) laughed hysterically (imagination required) and said that he could not think of how such a little mouse would be able to help him.
Nevertheless, he let the poor mouse go (awww...) shortly after that, the tiger was chased and captured by the hunter (oh no!). The hunter then tied a strong rope around the leg of the tiger. Panicked, the tiger roared, seeking help, as loud as he could. The mouse heard him and follow the trail of voice. And with his tiny teeth, the mouse gnawed the rope and set the tiger free! (clap,clap,clap)
Didn’t we just say that we should celebrate our differences? What if all mice have teeth like the tiger? Do you think the big teeth of the tiger could chew those ropes? Absolutely not!
It was then I remembered how much our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) reminded us of the importance of supporting one another just like the tiger and mouse:
“ the Muslims in their mutual love, kindness and compassion are like the human body where when one of its parts is in agony the entire body feels the pain, both in sleeplessness and fever”
(Al Bukhari and Muslim)
I totally love the parable of the human body used in this hadith.
Let us just imagine we had a diarrhea, agree? What actually happens when we have diarrhea? According to Dr. Abd Hamid Mat Sain, a gastrointestinal surgeon, one of the causes of diarrhea is a bacterial infection in the stomach area. This would cause the stomach to react adversely. And in its effort to flush out the bacteria from our body, we would sometimes experience cramp, abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, or an urgent need t use the bathroom.
When this happens, the water that was supposed to carry and allow blood cells to float in the blood stream would leave the blood stream to “assist” the stomach in flushing the bacteria out. This would result in the blood becoming concentrated and it would have difficulty to transport oxygen to vital organ like the brain, heart and kidneys, causing them to fail in extreme cases.
So, the originally affected body organ is only Mr. Tummy, right? But, because of this one, affected organ, the other organs wouldn’t be able to function properly either. So, when our Mr. Tummy is aching, would the other Misters feel the agony?
This was when I started asking myself- do I feel the pain and agony of my brothers and sisters as how the Prophet (peace be upon him) told me to? Do I behave as a body part that would feel the pain experienced by another part? Do I rush to assist my brothers and sisters, just like the WATER rushing towards the tummy to help flushed out the bacteria?
Like if I saw another brother ill, did I help to ease his burden? When I saw them being bullied at school, did I come to their rescue? When I saw them hungry during recess, did I share my food? When I saw natural disasters strike them on the news, did I send some aid to help them? When I saw their children need education , did I bother to school them? When I saw them lost their husbands, did I assist them to get back on their feet? When I saw them depressed, did I offer kind words?
And when I saw they needed prayers from me, did I put up my hands and pray to Allah to protect them, to save them from harm, to defend them, to release them from difficulties and to shower them with His Abundance, Guidance, Mercy and Love?
Ya Allah...I don’t think I could even breathe right now...continue...
Continue reading this book with another 18 inspirational stories from ordinary life one, yup brothers and sisters, sharing the joy of giving...
We, human are made from the same flesh and blood (milk) and take the shape of the genetic (mini cups) given by our Lord. The only thing that makes us different from one another is our personality (flavour) and external appearance (colour).
See the similarity? Amazing, eh? subhanALLAH....
Miguel Cerbantes had something amused once: It takes all sorts to make a world
Totally! I am a sort, and so are you. And so are they, them, us and we. And only by being different from one another, we are able to have an interesting world filled with all types of sort, right? In fact, Allah our Lord has told us this:
“O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other. (Not that ye may despise each other).”(Al-Hujurat 49:13)
subhanALLAH...When I read this verse, I couldn’t help but feel that Allah has given us all one simple but important task, a task that I personally felt that I must put more effort into. He, our Lord, has said despite us being different from one another, there is one thing that we should do-it is to get know one another or in other words to NETWORK.
Yup. Absolutely! Isn’t getting to know one another a means to create NETWORK between us? Seems that NETWORKING is not something new, eh? And to throw in more fun while we NETWORK, the Almighty has also made us linguistically different from one another.
“and among His Sign in the creation of heavens and the earth, and the variation in your languages and your colours: verify in that are Signs for those who know”
(Al-Rum 30:22)
The classic business case study when Coca-Cola pronounced as “Kekoukela” which means “Bite the wax tadpole” when it first entered China! It was only after researchers went through about 40 000 Chinese characters to find a phonetic equivalent, they found “kokou kole” which carries the meaning “happiness in the mouth”.
Phew! Aren’t they glad that their customers have no need to bite the tadpoles? I could just imagine the Happy Feet of those researchers when they finally got it right! M. Scott Peck once said something that made so much sense:
Share our similarities, celebrate our differences
I totally agree with him! Wouldn’t it be great if we could enjoy how different others are from us? Wouldn’t it be fantastic if we could see that by being different and unique, each and every one of us is so special? Absolutely, are you agree? I sometimes wonder if we truly understand how important it is for us to be special and different from one another. Then, I remembered the Aesop fable of the tiger and the mouse. Maybe this parable could help us, yes?
Well, it was said that one day, a mouse had accidentally run over the face of the tiger while the tiger was sleeping. Of course, that woke him up and he became angry. But the mouse pleaded that the tiger forgive him and promised to repay the tiger’s kindness one day. The tiger, being a proud animal (typical) laughed hysterically (imagination required) and said that he could not think of how such a little mouse would be able to help him.
Nevertheless, he let the poor mouse go (awww...) shortly after that, the tiger was chased and captured by the hunter (oh no!). The hunter then tied a strong rope around the leg of the tiger. Panicked, the tiger roared, seeking help, as loud as he could. The mouse heard him and follow the trail of voice. And with his tiny teeth, the mouse gnawed the rope and set the tiger free! (clap,clap,clap)
Didn’t we just say that we should celebrate our differences? What if all mice have teeth like the tiger? Do you think the big teeth of the tiger could chew those ropes? Absolutely not!
It was then I remembered how much our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) reminded us of the importance of supporting one another just like the tiger and mouse:
“ the Muslims in their mutual love, kindness and compassion are like the human body where when one of its parts is in agony the entire body feels the pain, both in sleeplessness and fever”
(Al Bukhari and Muslim)
I totally love the parable of the human body used in this hadith.
Let us just imagine we had a diarrhea, agree? What actually happens when we have diarrhea? According to Dr. Abd Hamid Mat Sain, a gastrointestinal surgeon, one of the causes of diarrhea is a bacterial infection in the stomach area. This would cause the stomach to react adversely. And in its effort to flush out the bacteria from our body, we would sometimes experience cramp, abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, or an urgent need t use the bathroom.
When this happens, the water that was supposed to carry and allow blood cells to float in the blood stream would leave the blood stream to “assist” the stomach in flushing the bacteria out. This would result in the blood becoming concentrated and it would have difficulty to transport oxygen to vital organ like the brain, heart and kidneys, causing them to fail in extreme cases.
So, the originally affected body organ is only Mr. Tummy, right? But, because of this one, affected organ, the other organs wouldn’t be able to function properly either. So, when our Mr. Tummy is aching, would the other Misters feel the agony?
This was when I started asking myself- do I feel the pain and agony of my brothers and sisters as how the Prophet (peace be upon him) told me to? Do I behave as a body part that would feel the pain experienced by another part? Do I rush to assist my brothers and sisters, just like the WATER rushing towards the tummy to help flushed out the bacteria?
Like if I saw another brother ill, did I help to ease his burden? When I saw them being bullied at school, did I come to their rescue? When I saw them hungry during recess, did I share my food? When I saw natural disasters strike them on the news, did I send some aid to help them? When I saw their children need education , did I bother to school them? When I saw them lost their husbands, did I assist them to get back on their feet? When I saw them depressed, did I offer kind words?
And when I saw they needed prayers from me, did I put up my hands and pray to Allah to protect them, to save them from harm, to defend them, to release them from difficulties and to shower them with His Abundance, Guidance, Mercy and Love?
Ya Allah...I don’t think I could even breathe right now...continue...
Continue reading this book with another 18 inspirational stories from ordinary life one, yup brothers and sisters, sharing the joy of giving...
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Alhamdulillah, semakin tinggi teknologi, semakin mudah hidup kita sebagai org Islam..
Mari kita manfaatkan teknologi ini dengan tentukan qiblat kite..
sila sebarkan..
Alhamdulillah, semakin tinggi teknologi, semakin mudah hidup kita sebagai org Islam..
Mari kita manfaatkan teknologi ini dengan tentukan qiblat kite..
sila sebarkan..
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